Cardiovascular & ANS Screening

Heart Rate Variability

The Heart Rate Variability (HRV) test is a non-invasive test that assess the cardiac nervous system to measure the one’s general physical fitness. A person’s heart rate is not constant or fixed; it varies constantly to adapt to internal and external stresses. These stresses include emotional stresses, allergies, respiration, heavy metal toxicity, physical exertions, metabolic changes, among others.

This simple test uses a finger probe to measure the following:

  • Heart Rate Variability (HRV) – How your CV system adapts to your lifestyle
  • Wave Type – Different waveform patterns indicating vascular aging
  • Atherosclerotic Progress – Determines any plaque build up
  • Differential Pulse Wave Index (DPI) – Overall health of CV system
  • Eccentric Constriction (EC) – The contraction power of vessels from the left ventricle
  • Arterial Elasticity (AE) – Analyzes circulation, vascular elasticity and resistance of vessels
  • Remaining Blood Volume (RBV) – remaining blood in the vessels after contraction
  • Mean Heart Rate
  • Stress Score – Overall stress compared to resistance level
  • Stress Levels- Physical & mental resistance level
  • Other Indices

The HRV test measures the sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous systems. Typically, a low HRV score (high sympathetic score and low or negative parasympathetic score) is associated with an increased risk of cardiac issues. In most cases, people who live or work in high stress conditions often have lower HRV scores.

At Natural Therapies Clinic, we use the Max Pulse ANS Screening Device. It is an FDA approved, Class II medical device. This test is an easy and useful tool for early detection of CV related issues. This simple, non-invasive test takes 5 minutes and our Doctors will provide you with comprehensive information regarding your CV health.